Defining your responsible investment strategy

With a team of experts in environmental and climate issues, as well as in the various business lines and operational processes of financial players, GreenFlex can support you at every stage of your responsible investment process, using a personalised, ambitious, and pragmatic approach.

Une femme

Integrating environmental and climate issues into your investment strategy

Since the Paris Agreement of 2015, the proliferation of French and European regulations, and the growing aspirations of stakeholders on sustainable development issues, everything is urging financial players to review their models and redefine their role in society. Asset managers in particular, as the link between investors and the real economy, hold all the cards to contribute to the environmental transition by implementing ambitious responsible investment strategies and engaging in dialogue with the companies in their portfolios to support them in their transformation.

Green finance is booming, with SRI (Socially Responsible Investment) and impact investing taking off around the world, and in France in particular. Regulations on responsible investment are being tightened up, particularly on reporting issues. What was a niche sector just a few years ago is now becoming the norm. Asset managers are having to reinvent themselves to go beyond financial criteria, introducing their field of analysis to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria and thus meeting the new expectations of individual and institutional investors.


Define an ESG strategy in line with your challenges and your investment philosophy, and support you from start to finish in its operational implementation

Our approach in this area is based on 4 components, depending on the challenges faced by asset managers and institutional investors
A droite, deux femmes assises à une table de réunion, en arrière-plan un graphique
Un homme blanc assis, une femme blanche debout une femme blanche assise devant un ordinateur portable

1. Defining your ESG strategy

  • Identify the ESG indicators that are relevant and aligned with your challenges, your investment process and your level of ambition
  • Defining your responsible investment philosophy

2. Integrating ESG criteria into your investment process

  • Choosing an ESG data provider and the most appropriate offerings for your particular context, from among a multitude of ESG data services
  • Define your scope of analysis by ESG criterion and your exclusion policy
  • Adapt governance to integrate ESG analysis into your decision-making processes

3. Definition of a shareholder engagement policy

  • Define the scope of your ESG voting policy at General Meetings
  • Build an action plan for shareholder dialogue with portfolio companies

4. Implementation of reporting and production of an ESG report

  • Implement an ESG reporting plan to monitor the progress of your ESG approach
  • Draw up the ESG report in line with the latest regulations (Article 173 of the TECV law, Article 29 of the Energy-Climate law, SFDR, etc.) to highlight your responsible investment approach and meet investors’ expectations in terms of transparency.
Mains d'une personne assise sur un banc montrant une tablette

Why choose GreenFlex for your responsible investment strategy?

  • ▪ Dual expertise in sustainable development issues and the financial sector

  • ▪ An ability to support asset managers across all asset classes (listed and private equity assets, real estate, infrastructure, etc.), and to support private equity fund holdings in their CSR trajectory

  • ▪ A market vision via involvement as a key partner in the European “Finance ClimAct” project, the collective programme to green the Paris financial centre co-financed by the European Commission, alongside the AMF, ACPR, I4CE, ADEME, Finance For Tomorrow and 2DII