Measuring and reducing your greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Measuring and understanding your GHG emissions are the first steps in drawing up a low-carbon transition plan and implementing concrete actions to reduce these emissions. GreenFlex supports you in these two subjects, using a tried and tested methodology that takes into account the specific characteristics of your business and your company.

Vue aérienne d'un site industriel d'où s'échappe de la fumée

Measuring carbon emissions, a prerequisite for designing an ambitious low-carbon strategy

Measuring and reducing your GHG emissions is a genuine corporate project that involves all the business lines (operations, purchasing, logistics, HR, property, innovation, production). The principle is simple:

  • Retrieve data representing the company’s activity and convert it into GHG emissions to measure the emissions directly linked to the organisation’s activities (scopes 1 and 2), as well as those upstream and downstream (scope 3).
  • Quick access to the organisation’s data, broken down by scope 1, 2 and 3 or according to the 6 categories of the ISO 14 064 standard, and to the GHG balance table in compliance with current regulations.

This mapping enables us to identify the main issues and the appropriate actions to be taken to reduce emissions:

  • Reducing energy consumption (energy sobriety and efficiency)
  • Optimising people’s journeys through mobility plans
  • Implementing a low-carbon logistics policy
  • Implementing a low-carbon purchasing policy
  • Substitution of fossil fuels by renewable and recovered energies
  • Waste management as part of the circular economy (reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery)

In France, companies with more than 500 employees (every 4 years) and local authorities with more than 50,000 inhabitants, public establishments with more than 250 employees and government departments (every 3 years) must carry out a greenhouse gas emissions report (BEGES) using the Carbon Footprint methodology.

The objectives of a tried and trusted method

GreenFlex’s methodology for calculating GHG emissions and developing a transition plan follows the ISO 14064 standard, uses the Carbon Footprint methodology and is compatible with the requirements of the GHG Protocol.

GreenFlex applies all the standards applicable in France and internationally to:


1. Raise your employees’ awareness of climate change

2. Define the scope and prepare for data collection

3. Analyse the data collected and calculate GHG emissions

4. Define and promote the implementation of a transition plan to reduce GHG emissions

The benefits of measuring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions

This approach can go further, by integrating the GHG issue into your corporate strategy, setting targets that are compatible with climate requirements or investing in or developing sequestration projects.
Une femme asiatique assise à un bureau face à une fenêtre tape sur une calculatrice posée à côté d'un ordinateur et d'une tasse

Drawing up a greenhouse gas emissions balance enables you to:

  • Meeting the growing demands of your customers
  • Winning new markets
  • Improve your organisation’s non-financial performance
  • Help obtaining existing certification (ISO 14 001, B-Corp)

The concrete implementation of reduction actions will make it possible to:

  • Reduce your dependence on fossil fuels
  • Involving suppliers in reducing their GHG emissions
  • Involving employees in a meaningful process
  • Reduce your exposure to risk while increasing your competitiveness and attractiveness

GreenFlex: your ideal partner for reducing your GHG emissions

A member of the Association pour la transition Bas Carbone (ABC) and partner of Climate Fresk, GreenFlex has recognised expertise in measuring and reducing CO₂ and other greenhouse gas emissions. Each of its carbon strategies is tailored to each stakeholder to understand all the consequences. GreenFlex has been awarded the “Climate Fresk Certified” label, which guarantees the optimal deployment of the Fresque as well as the quality of the workshops.


The GreenFlex teams are capable of combining strategy and operations to ensure that the ambitions defined are applied in practice. The consultants offer a critical eye throughout the assignment, drawing on their experience, know-how and values. They are able to understand the issues at stake in each sector (agricultural engineers working on all the impacts of the food value chain and on natural and

Our GreenFlexIQ platform for measuring your greenhouse gas emissions

The Carbon module, which has been certified as compliant with the Bilan Carbone® method, issued by the Association pour la Transition Bas Carbone, gives you access to dashboards where your data can be centralised and explored down to the finest level. Your emissions are calculated automatically.

Logo bilan carbon conform