Committing to an energy transition or contributing to carbon neutrality

After assessing your energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, it is essential to build a realistic and ambitious strategy. Your strategy must define objectives and an action plan for each site, detailing investments, subsidies and available funding, as well as the associated energy or environmental gains. This approach must involve all your stakeholders

The energy transition and the fight against climate change: strategic challenges

To limit global warming to 1.5°C and avoid climate, social, resource access and biodiversity crises, all public and private organisations worldwide need to contribute to global carbon neutrality by 2050.

This is an opportunity to meet the growing demands of customers and suppliers, to change business models to create value (economic, innovation, differentiation) and to improve the non-financial performance of organisations.


Une femme marche à côté 'un homme et lui montre des bâtiments

GreenFlex puts its carbon and energy experience at your disposal

GreenFlex will support you in your energy or low-carbon transition strategy, enabling you to:

  • Measure your energy consumption or GHG emissions and identify the activities that consume or emit the most (using an energy audit, the Bilan Carbone®, the GHG Protocol or any specific sectoral method) with our carbon experts and the GreenFlexIQ digital tool.
  • Define reduction targets that are compatible with global climate issues, whether for scopes 1 and 2, focusing on energy savings, or by adding scope 3 and focusing on GHG emissions (using the Science-Based Targets Initiative approach or other customised methods).
  • Formalise and implement an energy master plan to reduce energy consumption with scenarios favouring reduction, gains or a low-carbon transition plan to reduce GHG emissions with a definition of the means (possibly using the ACT – Assessing low-carbon Transition® approach).
  • Going beyond reducing emissions by developing or financing sequestration or avoided emissions projects elsewhere
  • Communicate on its approach, particularly in the context of the CSRD
Un homme face à un tableau blanc sur lequel une femme blanche écrit

Teams with strategic and operational skills in energy and carbon issues

  • As a member of the Association pour la transition Bas Carbone (ABC), partner of the Climate Fresk, participant in the Net Zero Initiative working groups on the 10 principles for an ambitious climate strategy, with experts trained in the Bilan Carbone® methodology and the ACT approach, GreenFlex is the ideal partner to help you be consistent and ambitious on the subject of greenhouse gases.
  • GreenFlex’s methodology for building operational and investment roadmaps has also been chosen by ADEME. Engineering and consultancy firms must be trained in this methodology to enable you to benefit from subsidies for this stage of your process.
  • A platform, GreenFlexIQ carbone, certified by the Association pour la transition Bilan Carbone, which helps you simulate an SBT-compliant trajectory, monitor the evolution of your performance, your action plan and the gains made.