Creating ecological performance markets and supporting collective progress

To support massive ecological progress, the development of new business models must be based on the launch of collective progress initiatives, particularly in customer/supplier relations or in reinvented relations between competitors.

Our understanding of these issues and our ecosystemic approach with all the key stakeholders means we can support the creation of such ecological performance markets or the transition of industries.

Finding ideas and resources to drive the transition of sectors

We need to change our society as a whole, beyond the transformation of a few products or a few organisations. These changes will have to be systemic to ensure that best practice is shared, that broad cooperation between players in the same value chains is structured and that collective innovation projects are launched, in order to improve everyone’s ecological and societal performance.

Public authorities and major contractors have a responsibility to provide the impetus behind more massive movements to change the industry. A detailed understanding of the interplay between players, financial mechanisms, sector-specific regulations, and industry habits will enable collective changes to emerge, along with the associated operating methods.

To achieve this, it is necessary to analyse the share of progress to be made collectively (between colleagues or between customers and suppliers) and the share devolved to each individual, driven by this common positive movement.

Structuring markets of excellence and training on a large scale

Our approach to the construction of ecosystems and the transition of industries can be broken down into 2 parts.
Deux femmes blanches assises à une table de réunion discutant
Trois personnes de dos regardent un tableu blanc, à droite une femme de trois-quart regarde le tableau

1. Structuring markets of excellence

  • Develop collective standards of excellence and innovate collectively between different operators to achieve these levels of ecological performance
  • Convincing a critical mass of customers to commit to ordering/purchasing these services or products, on the basis of their positive impact, subject to a balanced economic equation
  • Cooperate with the authorities and industry facilitators to create the conditions for supply and demand to meet in these markets of ecological excellence.

2. Large-scale training and support for progress

  • Inspire the desire to take action and provide training in these environmentally friendly practices: methods, tools, best practices and networks available to take action
  • Supporting groups of companies in their sustainable development progress plans and in the initial stages of “taking action”.
Vue aérienne d'un terrain sablonneux sur lequel se trouvent des véhicules de construction

Our strengths

  • ▪ Experience of highly structuring projects and interventions for a wide range of players in the value chains in which we operate

  • ▪ The ability to integrate all the success factors in the development of a sector: assessment of competitive and non-competitive issues, the interplay of players, and the technical, legal, financial and societal dimensions

  • ▪ The combination of a strategic vision and experience in the field to support the implementation of demonstrators of high-impact projects