To ensure that your project is successfully implemented, GreenFlex mobilises all its expertise to support you from the design stage through to long-term management, while offering you a performance commitment on the energy savings you achieve. Depending on your business and sectoral challenges, we offer:
- Technical studies: to study the potential, technical and economic feasibility of your project and its dimensioning, GreenFlex carries out opportunity, feasibility or design studies.
- Project implementation: to strengthen your in-house teams, GreenFlex can assist you with the implementation of your project by providing project management support from a trusted third party, project management or a turnkey solution to take charge of the entire project.
- Performance management: to manage the energy performance of your site or your fleet of sites over the long term, GreenFlex provides its energy consumption monitoring platform, combined with support from our energy efficiency engineers and a performance commitment under an Energy Management Contract (EMC) and with financing solutions to implement your projects under an Energy Performance Contract (EPC).
- Support for standards and regulations: to help you comply with regulatory standards, the GreenFlex teams will help you design and implement your energy performance approach, enabling you to achieve the targets set by the Tertiary Decree or obtain ISO 50001 certification as part of the implementation of an Energy Management System.