
Discover the main commitments associated with our purpose “To collectively build an economy that creates and preserves more than it destroys”.


#1 Turning our offers into transformation tools

2025 target: 100% of our offers to have a positive, multi-criteria impact

This means:
  • • Defending a global vision of the environmental and social impacts of our missions
  • • Promoting and testing the deployment of positive-impact models via offers that have the greatest impact
  • • Use our company as an incubator and demonstrator of these practices

Cheminée d'une usine

We help our customers accelerate their transition and define ambitious carbon trajectories and implement them effectively. We aim to help our customers avoid 150 times more CO₂ emissions than we emit. We are therefore looking to reduce our own impact even further ourselves, which allows us to test the actions we need to take and identify the key success factors for achieving this. Each year we refine and broaden our scope of analysis. In 2021-2022, we will be testing a new data collection and analysis tool, designed by our teams, to calculate greenhouse gas emissions (GHG Protocol). A low-carbon strategy is being defined with the decision to set climate targets via the Science-Based Targets initiative.

Vue aérienne d'un bois en forme de cercle

Moving from a linear economy to a circular economy means rethinking our current production and consumption models. This is why we have set up a recycling service to handle the recycling of our customers’ commercial refrigeration units. Its role is to encourage re-use and ensure the best possible recycling of equipment that could have a second life. This service also enables us to promote the re-use of our IT equipment. Internally, by applying the logic of the 6Rs, we have a target of 0 waste that cannot be reused, recycled, or composted. In addition to our environmental objectives, we are also committed to inclusion, by calling on the services of various players in the adapted sector.

Ecovadis Platinum badge

We apply the solutions we propose to our customers through a process of continuous improvement of our CSR objectives and action plans. Evaluated by Ecovadis, our policy has been awarded the Platinum medal for 2023.

#2 Making cooperation the driving force behind our approaches

2025 target: 10 positive impact projects involving several of our customers at the same time

This means:
  • • Sharing our knowledge, facilitating research and access to information to accelerate awareness and advance practices
  • • Co-constructing projects and defining collective action plans to identify useful solutions for as many people as possible

Femme devant un rayon de supermarché

GreenFlex helps to promote the regenerative economy and responsible consumption to society and its community of partners by contributing to public debate through the dissemination and sharing of our expertise. In all our businesses and all the areas in which we play a role: responsible consumption, energy performance, stakeholder management, financing the transition, asset management, etc. Since its creation, GreenFlex has published articles and studies that are freely accessible. You can find these publications on our website. Among the most recent, in 2023 we published the results of our 16th Barometer of Responsible Consumption with ADEME and two studies on the maturity of companies in the face of climate change with LCL and CSA.

Read our publications
Personnes réalisant une Fresque du Climat

Our business is at the heart of changes in society, with new scientific and regulatory data, as well as innovations and new solutions. Our teams need to be constantly up to date if they are to have the strongest and most accurate impact. As well as keeping abreast of the latest developments, our teams meet with other players to create synergies. Here are 3 examples:

  • ▪ Monthly “Changing course” meetings for dialogue between an external key player in transition and an in-house expert. We had the pleasure of welcoming, for example, a representative from Ateliers du bocage and our enhancedepartment.
  • ▪ Field trips, such as a visit to an eco-neighbourhood by the entire advisory centre (an opportunity for some of them to demonstrate the practical implementation of their support for this neighbourhood).
  • ▪ he deployment of the Climate Fresk to 100% of our employees over 2021-2022. GreenFlex has been awarded the “Fresque du Climat Certified” label, which guarantees the optimal deployment of the workshop within GreenFlex as well as the quality of the workshops.

Jeunes participant à Unis Cité

For the past 6 years, GreenFlex has been working alongside Unis-Cité, providing financial assistance and skills sponsorship to support the responsible consumption aspect of its Mediaterre programme, which aims to raise awareness of environmental issues in working-class neighbourhoods. The project began with a group of companies, including GreenFlex, joining forces to develop this aspect of the programme. To bring the project to life, a training kit and events on responsible consumption were created to give the keys to youth workers and young volunteers in their actions to raise awareness among families in the neighbourhoods in which they work. Since 2017, around ten employees a year from various branches have been involved in skills sponsorship with the association and the young people it supports.

Discover Unis-Cité

To promote the development of social innovations, GreenFlex supports the Alter’actions association. Since 2019, five pairs of consultants have been working with students to carry out social innovation projects. It is a way of sharing our knowledge and skills to create value for the social economy. But it is also a way of helping our teams to develop their project management skills and discover or learn more about other players and solutions with a positive impact. We also helped Carton Plein with training in the new profession of cyclo-logistician, which has since become a training organisation. This association combines the circular economy by recycling cardboard boxes, professional inclusion for people who are furthest from work and soft mobility by moving goods using cargo bikes.

Discover Alter’Actions

#3 Make impact measurement the compass of our strategy

2025 target: 100% of our assignments assessed for their impact on several environmental or social criteria

This means:
  • • Measuring the direct and indirect impact of our activities
  • • Make optimising our impact a strategic priority in our roadmap


Our GreenFlexIQ platform focuses on green IT and IT for green. Our main lever for action in terms of impact via digital tools is linked above all to the management that our platform enables. IT for green is integrated into several of our offerings. But faced with the exponential rise in the negative externalities of IT around the world, we are also currently working to measure and reduce the impact of our platform ever more effectively. This takes the form of software optimisation as well as storage optimisation (temporary closure of certain servers, etc.). We are also committed to promoting good practice in terms of Green IT through our dedicated charter and awareness-raising initiatives such as participation in Cyber Clean Up Day and support for the organisation behind it.

Deux femmes assises regardent un écran d'ordinateur

In order to involve every employee, GreenFlex has adapted its annual objective policy; from now on, every employee will have an “impact” objective. The members of the Executive Committee were the first to test the system in 2021, with the aim of extending this objective to all GreenFlex employees from 2022. The roadmap of our purpose should make it possible to fulfill the 2022 impact objectives of each employee, both in an individual and collective business logic. These objectives will make the GreenFlex purpose roadmap an objective shared by all.